In response to Emma Margetson & Andrew Knight-Hill
Linda Conforto, F.A. Bonporti Conservatory of Trento
In response to Knight-Hill and Margetson's prompt, fractured reality proposes an audiovisual experience in which the two mediums merge to create a result holistically greater than the sum of its parts. Visual and sonic elements are different, of diverse nature, and disconnected. However, through the mediation of the artist's creative agency and artistic thinking, they become the seamlessly fitting tiles of an artwork. Disconnection—in this case, occurring between the elements the artwork is composed of—is intended here not as a limitation but as a limitless source of aesthetic and artistic value. Through the convoluted and messy creative processes, these elements, different and possibly appearing as unfitting, are tightly recomposed into an artwork which gains, thanks to the mediation of the artist, artistic and aesthetic meaning as an added value.
fractured reality is an abstract experimental audiovisual work that immerses the viewer in a frenetic journey through an unpredictable realm of fast-paced abstract images and glitch sounds. The piece unfolds like a vivid dreamscape. The visuals pulsate and flicker in rapid succession, creating a sense of disorientation and wonder, and are accompanied by glitch sounds that mirror their chaotic nature, adding a layer of intensity to the multisensory experience.
The audiovisual elements in fractured reality continuously shift and evolve, yet pivoting around a steady aesthetic vision. Through its mesmerising character, this experimental work invites the audience to embark on a brief but supercharged journey into a world where time and space unravel in a dance of light and sound.
Linda Conforto is a sound artist particularly interested in multimedia installations. Former classical flautist, she later began to explore the possibilities offered by new technologies applied to music. She is currently enrolled at the F.A. Bonporti Conservatory of Trento as a BA student in electronic music, investigating, in particular, the art of multimedia installations, and programming languages for visuals and audio. She attended masterclasses and seminars held by leading experts and artists.